Monday, August 16, 2010

Budget Nail Polish Items!

Okay, so I was budget shopping for nail products and stuff this weekend, and I decided to share some links with y'all today to get you guys the best deals I have found on nail and cosmetic items.
Makeup can be insanely expensive... I would know, I'm searching for some stuff. Dance class starts next week, and I'm looking for face makeup to at least even out the skintone... But I have a problem: To me, drug store stuff costs too much at $8... Not worth it. That's a week's allowance for one item. Tooo muuuuuch... When you're spending $10 on mascara? Come on. Really?
AAAANNNYYYWAAAAYYY... This blog is on nail polish, so we'll move onto that...
Nail polish can be insanely expensive... I would know, I'm always searching for a new color to add to my collection... And nail polish can be ridiculous without even being a good quality... I have found that you actually get what you pay for when you get $1 nail polishes, but I'm not saying expensive ones are better... I wouldn't know. I can't afford to spend $30 on a bottle of Chanel or MAC nail polish.
So here's some nail polish links that I can recommend based off of price and selection.

ELF-Made famous by their $1 cosmetic items, I have watched ELF take off from the very beginning. I ordered their first nail polishes, and I have watched them expand greatly and improve flaws. ELF really listens to their customers and delivers. ELF has $1 nail polishes in a variety of colors, but be warned, these chip very quickly. If you want your manicure to last, you need to dedicate your time to it's upkeep and care. But for $1, you can afford to paint your nails every couple days, eh? Besides nail polish, they have all kinds of cool makeup to check out. I think I might have to splurge on some ELF stuff soon.

Coastal Scents. No nail polish here, but they have glitter and pigments on their site for a good price, which means that you can mix your own nail polishes by ading pigments and glitter to a clear nail polish. They also have the famous 88 pallette that you see featured in so many makeup tutorial videos. They have some awesome deals on Coastal Scents. I haven't purchased anything from them yet, but I plan on it. CS also has every makeup brush you could want, and some awesomely cool looking makeup to go with it. I have a list of things I want to get from them.

Dollar Nail Art. I was searching for deals on Konad stuff and other art things and happened across this site. Nail art supplies for $1 each! Between ELF and this site, you can get an aweseome manicure for only a few dollars! Sweeeet. Again, I haven't bought anything from them yet, but it looks like a good place to get some cool nail art supplies. The striping stuff and Laser Lace looks like it could make some interesting designs, the foils too, but I hear they aren't very long-lasting. I'll still try them out myself some day to make sure.

Trendy Princess. Yet another site I came across on the same Google spree that I found website #3 on. This is also a site I haven't ordered from, but I will be keeping in mind. This site has everything you could want! Even freaking glow in the dark glitter, man! Their skin moisurizing soy candles look interesting too. You melt the soy candle, then you can rub the "wax" into your skin as a moisturizer or massage oil. Huh.

SmART Nails. Stencils! And not a bad price, I would say. $3? This one caught my eye a while ago, and I thought it looked interesting. I might have to order some of these some day as well... AHH, SO MANY THINGS I WANT TO GET FROM ALL OF THESE WEBSITES!!!

So there you have it. 5 websites that I've seen and have decided to pass onto you as a tip for future nail designs, even though I've only ordered from one of the 5 websites on the list...
It doesn't take skill to come up with cool designs for your nails, you just need the right tools, techniques, and a little creativity and practice.

If you have any discount cosmetic websites to share, do feel free to tell me about them in the comment box, and I'll add them on here with credit to you.

Nighty-night!... Well, not for me, I'll be up for a while longer... Soooo.... Until my next post, adeiu.

1 comment:

  1. Omg thank you so much for posting this! It'll totally come in handy.
